Speech & Language Therapy / Special Needs

WEVOSYS provides since more than 20 years modern and worldwide acknowledged digital systems for laryngology and speech/voice assessment.
A leading and internationally acknowledged clinical application for digital-acoustic speech and voice assessment in the field of Otolaryngology, ENT, Phoniatrics, and Speech & Language Pathology.
Voice recorder with edit and comparison function, patient manager, print-out report function for all modules, backup, voice disorder index

The Guldmann product range includes ceiling hoists, mobile lifters, slings and lifting accessories.
Guldmann lifting and moving solutions, along with services ranging from project consultancy and personnel instruction to service and assembly, help to ensure that resources in the care system are put to most effective use, and thus provide more time for the actual care assignments.

Our vision is to provide the best possible innovative special seating systems ,and other rehabilitation products, to aid mobility and daily living coupled with equality service to our clients no matter how complex their disabilities. Many disabled clients will be wheelchair dependent form ability and practical/functional daily needs so SOS has many years of experience in dealing with this complex are of postural management